
Fight Bad Policy

Dedicated to steering our nation back to its Constitutional glory by identifying and attacking bad policy.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

I graduated from Drew University with an MFA in Poetry and from McNeese State University with an MA in English Literature. I also have a Bachelor of General Studies with a minor in Psychology and a BA in Sociology from McNeese. Currently, I'm working on a doctorate in English with a concentration in composition-rhetoric at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The New Orwellian Dictionary

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has nothing better to do with his time than think of new words for the New World Order lexicon. Change the language and the way people view the world changes. There is a fundamental flaw in the Rumsfeldian logic, though: semantics does not change reality. Whether our enemies in Iraq are insurgents, are terrorists, or are freedom fighters, it all depends on perspective. What does not depend on perspective is that the Iraq war is a war based on false premises, is bankrupting our nation, and is killing young Americans to prove a point: that the Bush Administration is infallible. Rumsfeld, therefore, can call our enemies whatever he will, but reality stands. The Iraq war is unwinnable as the Bush Administration prosecutes it and, as such, is an endeavor in foolishness.


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