
Fight Bad Policy

Dedicated to steering our nation back to its Constitutional glory by identifying and attacking bad policy.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

I graduated from Drew University with an MFA in Poetry and from McNeese State University with an MA in English Literature. I also have a Bachelor of General Studies with a minor in Psychology and a BA in Sociology from McNeese. Currently, I'm working on a doctorate in English with a concentration in composition-rhetoric at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Letter to Senator Dodd

Senator Dodd,

It is probably true that a politician’s position concerning the Iraq war, regardless of how complex, is the position that will ultimately define that politician. The American public has yet heard a great idea concerning changing the Administration’s Iraq policy. A timetable to withdraw is obviously not an option, but there are options. One that has not been debated, if explored, is the possibility of focusing on the counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency aspects of the war. We know the Administration has not focused on this option as a solution in Iraq because it has relied, without fail, on conventional forces to be poster boards for the enemy’s target practice. Furthermore, if the Administration were determined to win a war against terrorists and insurgents in Iraq, then it would use the appropriate resources to do so. Special Operations, including the Special Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency, have extensive knowledge and experience implementing specialized warfare techniques needed to gain the overwhelming advantage over terrorists and insurgents. When civilian casualties in Iraq are above one hundred a day, it is clear that the Administration’s current Iraq policy is reprehensible. We must learn the counter-insurgency lessons of places like Vietnam and Algeria and use the right forces, that thoroughly know these lessons, to fight the Iraq war. Thank you for your time and patience, Senator Dodd.


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