
Fight Bad Policy

Dedicated to steering our nation back to its Constitutional glory by identifying and attacking bad policy.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

I graduated from Drew University with an MFA in Poetry and from McNeese State University with an MA in English Literature. I also have a Bachelor of General Studies with a minor in Psychology and a BA in Sociology from McNeese. Currently, I'm working on a doctorate in English with a concentration in composition-rhetoric at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Rantings of an Immature Child

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il is like the bad sportsman that always cries fowl although he doesn't want to play the game right. He is like the spoiled child that knocks over other people and makes a lot of noise when someone bumps into him. Now he is pouting because there are nations that want to sanction his bad behavior. According to Reuters, the official North Korean daily Rodong Sinmun included an editorial that said, "Our forces and people will definitely show our belief and power with a cruel, annihilating strike if enemies touch our dignified socialist system, even slightly," The editorial was quoted by Seoul's Yonhap news agency. (access story above) Like with the bad sportsman and the spoiled child, bad behavior must go unrewarded. Such behavior is counterproductive to smooth social interaction. Threats from a child amidst a tantrum are nothing more than the rantings of someone who does not know how to express himself in a manner that is both thoughtful and mature. Kim Jong Il is no different than that child. Now, if that child wants to gain the attention of a rational minded audience, then he must first prove himself rational. There is no audience to otherwise take him seriously.


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