
Fight Bad Policy

Dedicated to steering our nation back to its Constitutional glory by identifying and attacking bad policy.

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Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

I graduated from Drew University with an MFA in Poetry and from McNeese State University with an MA in English Literature. I also have a Bachelor of General Studies with a minor in Psychology and a BA in Sociology from McNeese. Currently, I'm working on a doctorate in English with a concentration in composition-rhetoric at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The McCain Quandary

McCain wants to bomb Iran. I thought he was the foreign-policy genius. Admiral Fallon was right to tell Esquire that the only tenable relationship the U.S. can have with Iran is a diplomatic relationship. How does McCain propose to fight a war with Iran that would alienate more of the Islamic world, essentially encouraging young Muslims to embrace terrorism, all while he proposes to stay the course in Iraq? He talks about Democrats' desire to raise taxes while he has no economic plan to sustain the status quo much less more ambitious military endeavors. He would bankrupt us the way the former Soviet Union bankrupted itself. America cannot afford another egotist.


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